R&D Tax Credits for Oil and Gas Companies
Oil and Gas Companies The oil and gas industry is constantly contributing to America’s economy by heating our homes and fueling our cars. Oil and gas companies may not realize that the activities they’re performing to explore, produce, transport, and refine oil and gas more efficiently qualifies them for R&D credits. Oil and gas companies […]
R&D Tax Credits for Agriculture Companies
Agriculture Companies Companies in the agricultural and farming industries are often performing qualifying research and development activities without realizing they are eligible for R&D tax credits. When managing resources used in producing food, agricultural and farming businesses need to create innovative technology and systems. Companies may be taking part in qualifying research activities that allows […]
R&D Tax Credits for Aerospace and Defense Companies
Aerospace and Defense Companies A wide range of common aerospace industry practices can qualify a company for R&D tax credits. Industry technologists, engineers, designers, and machinists spend a large amount of time developing and improving their design and manufacturing practices in order to stay competitive with the other companies within the industry. Qualifying activities include […]
R&D Tax Credits for Biotech Companies
Biotech Companies Biotech companies are great candidates for R&D tax credits because of the constant research and development being performed. Biotech companies that take innovative steps in the research and advancement of pharmaceuticals, biotechnology, medical devices, and other life sciences are eligible to obtain R&D credits. In addition, biotechnology and pharmaceutical companies have been moving […]