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CPACE Can Help You Raise Money for Commercial Real Estate Developments

The commercial real estate sector continues to be disrupted as bank loans age in a tight credit market. Many owners and developers are looking for financing options for their ongoing or just-finished building projects in the present banking market. CPACE, or Commercial Property Assessed Clean Energy, is one of the most affordable ways to raise finance and is steadily becoming a more alluring financial option.

Why Are Hotels Using C-PACE Financing to Promote Sustainable Development

Caravelle Hotel

Environmental, social, and governance (ESG) principles have become increasingly crucial regarding how lenders, property owners, and investors invest in and develop commercial real estate. Specifically, the hotel sector has made significant progress in lowering utility costs, promoting sustainability in branding, and increasing energy efficiency. Recently, a novel method of funding energy-efficient projects has surfaced: commercial […]

How Can Retroactive C-PACE Loans Fill Capital Stack & Reduce Rates?

Man with bulletin Board

The Growing Importance of C-PACE State legislation has permitted using Commercial Property Assessed Clean Energy (C-PACE). This public/private financing method allows private finance to enhance the energy performance of commercial real estate under favorable terms and circumstances. Up until now, new construction projects and building retrofits have been the main uses of this funding instrument. […]

CPACE Financing: Developers’ Go-to Green Option to Solve Capital Crunch

Biotechnology specialist laboratory conducting experiments

Developers of commercial real estate are negotiating a challenging market. Completing a ground-up construction deal in today’s market is difficult due to pressure on construction prices from supply chain challenges and labor shortages, the present interest rate environment, and a constricted financing market that limits realistic funding alternatives.   Although it can take some time […]

7 C-PACE Financing Myths Debunked

Biotechnology specialist laboratory conducting experiments

Financing C-PACE projects (Commercial Property Assessed Clean Energy) is one of the fastest-growing nationwide funding options for new construction and renovation projects. The practical structure of C-PACE financing is used by more owners, sponsors, and developers to improve the sustainability of their projects.    C-PACE financing frequently replaces more costly preferred stock, mezzanine debt, or […]