How Hotel Owners Can Maximize the Value with 179D Tax Deduction, Ensuring Significant Deductions

Hotel owners and developers are constantly seeking strategies to enhance property value while reducing operational costs. The 179D tax deduction is a powerful tool that accomplishes both objectives and is more accessible than often realized. By leveraging this underutilized incentive, properties can enhance the bottom line while contributing to the sustainability movement within the hospitality industry.

Claiming 179D Deduction: An Essential Guide for Commercial Property Owners

As a commercial property owner or developer, maximizing tax savings while enhancing the sustainability of your buildings can significantly impact your bottom line. One powerful tool is the §179D Energy Efficient Commercial Building Tax Deduction. This deduction, enhanced considerably by the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 (IRA), offers substantial financial incentives for energy-efficient improvements. Let’s explore how you can benefit from these updates and why the 179D deduction should be on your radar for your 2023 tax returns.

Impact of IRA and IIJA on Commercial Lighting Upgrades

Valeria Boltneva

Despite the uncertain economic conditions in the future, the Infrastructure Investment Jobs Act (IIJA) and the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) for energy-efficient interior lighting renovations can provide good relief to for-profit and nonprofit organizations. Not only are the improvements financially feasible, but better lighting systems also save money as they have lower running expenses with […]

Navigating Tax Benefits: Understanding the Impact of IRC Section 179D Inflation Adjustments on Taxpayer Deductions

Tax credits-Man at desk counting money

In the ever-evolving landscape of tax regulations, taxpayers must stay abreast of changes that can significantly impact their bottom line. One such provision that demands attention is IRC Section 179D, which allows for deductions related to energy-efficient commercial buildings.  Initially introduced to incentivize energy efficiency in commercial buildings, Sec 179D eligible building owners or tenants […]

New IRS Form 7205 for the 179D Energy Efficient Commercial Building Deduction

Business Accounting with Pen and Calculator

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) recently released Form 7205, which taxpayers can use to claim the 179D Energy Efficient Commercial Building Deduction. This deduction is available to commercial building owners and architects installing energy-efficient improvements, such as HVAC and lighting systems, and building envelopes. To qualify for the deduction, the improvements must meet certain requirements. […]

How Inflation Reduction Act Boosted Tax Breaks in 2023: An Overview

Calculator on money with pad and silver pen

Almost $400 billion in grants, loans, and tax incentives included in the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) will be monetized for the first time in 2024. In 2023, federal agencies went into overdrive, producing instructions to educate professionals in the commercial real estate industry, including developers, asset and property managers, tax attorneys, CPAs, designers, bankers, investors, […]

How can Architects Leverage the Inflation Reduction Act and Energy Efficiency Tax Incentives?

Architect drawing on paper roll

The Energy Efficient Commercial Buildings Deduction (Section 179D) and the New Energy Efficient Home Credit (Section 45L) were improved by the August 2022 passage of the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA). Here’s all the information you need to take advantage of these tax incentives efficiently. Section 179D: Energy-Efficient Commercial Buildings Deduction For projects between January 1, […]

Section 179D Deduction: A Detailed Overview

Two workers wearing hard hats

Commercial builders and owners of commercial properties (as well as residential buildings with four stories or more) must remain informed about the most recent criteria for claiming the 179D tax deduction, a component of the savings provisions established by the Inflation Reduction Act. The implementation of this tax deduction, which is designed to promote the […]