Energy Auditing Services

Optimizing your facility for more efficient, lower-cost energy consumption does not happen overnight; it requires effort, commitment, and, most importantly, expertise. That is why our team concentrates on developing some of the industry’s most comprehensive energy audits.


A commercial Energy Audit report is a well-organized document that, if followed, will result in lower energy bills. Every building is unique, and each has unique chances to minimize energy use. This is why each structure requires its own Energy Audit.


During the Energy Audit, our energy auditor will evaluate your lights, air conditioning, heating and ventilation equipment, controls, refrigerators, air compressors, water-consuming equipment, and everything else that uses energy. Depending on the sort of audit, the auditor may take temperature, pressure, light levels, power usage, and other measures.

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What’s in an


A typical Energy Audit report includes a description of the building’s and existing energy-consuming equipment in use, an energy balance, and, most crucially, a presentation of possible energy conservation measures (ECMs). The report contains:


  • Description of the current situation
  • Description of the intended ECM projected
  • Yearly savings
  • Other financial parameters, such as return on investment or life cycle savings

Benefits of an Energy Audit

  • Defines and analyzes energy efficiency metrics (EEM) in order to create a factual foundation for capital project budgeting. These can include deferred maintenance and equipment replacement, existing system improvements, and other energy-saving initiatives.
  • The audit includes your energy savings projections, an evaluation of constructability, construction budget estimates, financial analysis, and frequently includes plans/equipment selection as well.
  • Builds a solid point of technical reference for the facility’s owners and maintenance personnel to help them run it more efficiently.
  • The end result provides a realistic blueprint for facility modernization that is also energy-efficient and cost-effective.

Choosing National Tax Group

We understand that your facilities are among your most precious assets, and we design our projects with that in mind. Our objective is to give you the information you need to make educated decisions about your energy use.


And we’re here to assist you every step of the way in making the best decision for your requirements. We want to be a long-term partner for all of your energy requirements at Iconergy. Our staff provides cutting-edge technology and knowledge to help you reach maximum efficiency.


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